
By lucia13

The Suffolk cottage!

I posted this cottage with a beautiful pond a few months ago. It is one of my favourites in Suffolk near Bury St Edmunds. I started painting  it after Xmas but I was not very well and it was never finished. I am painting again and hope I will finish it soon.  Maybe I will put some swan or some duck at the pond. It is coming alone !
I am framing the one behind with the still life for the exhibition which my teacher is planning for May and a few more.
It is one emergency blip today my friends. I was very busy today preparing all the things for my guests for tomorrow and later  I went to the art  class so I did not have time to go out taking pictures.
I really appreciate so much your lovely comments, stars and many hearts for my superbird yesterday. I really was very surprised when I arrived home and checked my emails and saw it. wow!
Thanks so much. Have a nice day and smile. I am smiling.

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