
By izzyp

Little Girl Giant

The Giants are in town - and what a spectacle! Today was Day one of three and the Little Girl giant went for a walk around the city for three hours! 
We saw the Diver, but he was asleep. tomorrow and Sunday they will both be on the streets of Perth. They are here as part of the Perth International Arts Festival. I will go back on Sunday to see the finale. 
2015 Perth International Arts Festival - The Giants
The Giants, produced by French street theatre company Royal de Luxe, will tell a story which weaves Perth's Noongar heritage with the centenary of the Gallipoli landings.
The route the two figures - an 11-metre-tall diver and a six-metre-tall girl - will take begins and ends at Langley Park and will cover Northbridge, East Perth and the CBD. 
Mr Holloway said a team of more than 300 volunteers would help the marionettes navigate the streets of Perth from February 13 to February 15.
"There's a team of about 70 people physically moving that machinery at any one time," he said.
"The total team is around [the] 500 mark, and over 400 of them are from Western Australia, so that experience will stay here in the arts and volunteering sector.

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