Lali's World

By Lali

Eulàlia the giant

This giantess is called Eulàlia and represents St Eulàlia, co-patron of Barcelona. As part of the St Eulàlia festival, today there was a dance of all giantesses who, for just today, changed their name to Laia, as 12th February is St Eulàlia day (my saint day). There was music and all the giantesses were dancing along the streets followed by the crowds. There was also free hot chocolate and a piece of cake for those attending.

My mum prepared a special meal and we had cava to celebrate my saint day, which was nice. As dessert we had coca de llardons, which is made with puff pastry, pork fat, sugar and pine nuts and is typically eaten on Fat Thursday (Dijous Gras).

I didn't do much apart from going to the "Laias' dance" to take photos. Later on in the evening I met two of my sisters for a chat and a drink.

This is a back blip, by the way.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good day and enjoy your weekend! :)

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