Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

It's Late ... again

Yet again ... It's late. No blip has been produced for the day. A camera is sitting on my lap and my patented EB strategy has failed me at last. I cannot find anything on my desk to shoot ..... except maybe the lap camera itself. After all it is prettily reflecting various lights around the study and shadows seem to be adorning it quite judiciously. 

Hang on. If I am gonna shoot the OMD I'll need one of the other cameras. The G12 is in the car, the S4 is in the bedroom, I am terminally lazy and the FZ200 (just within reach on the other chair) is a small sensor superzoom not really designed for low light. Oh why not at least try? All right then, everybody steady, macro focusing set, camera balanced on my stomach, breath held ... and .... click.

Gee the colour balance is WAY off. Oh why not leave it that way?

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