Unlucky for Some

This Sparrowhawk was unlucky because he missed his target as he swooped into our garden while I was doing my daily bird count. I was unlucky because I didn't get to my camera quickly enough when he landed on the garden chair right in front of the window. But I was lucky enough to get such a lovely close up view, and to get a second, if not such a good chance, at a shot as he flew up into our neighbours' tree. And the starlings? Well they were lucky to avoid being breakfast.
A gloomy day, although not quite as bad as the forecast said. I went to the garden centre to buy some Snowdrops, as we were too late in the Spring when our garden was re-designed. I saw a Kestrel over Loxley Valley, and fleetingly, a flock of what I think were Golden Plover over the fields on the way back.

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