Helau Again

This needs to be read in the style of David Attenborough (find him on YouTube if you are unfamiliar with works of the god of the BBC)

Here we have a rare sighting of the lesser spotted Teen.

Seldom seen outside his usual habitat unless scavenging for food in the kitchen.

Today marks the annual pilgrimage to the highly populated watering hole known as the Kö. Where on this special Sunday before Rosenmontag the Teen and others of his ilk gather in their 1000s to drink and grandstand. The origin of this yearly crusade is unknown, but it is clearly a rite of passage.

...he left at 9 in the company of a monkey and a tiger and a doctor, I think they were meeting up at the station before heading into Düsseldorf, with Obelix, Mario & Luigi and a unicorn, these facts have yet to be confirmed...

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