
I went up to my patch today. It was very still, and very misty, and I wasn't feeling confident that I'd see very much, but within a short time of getting to the top of the hill, I saw a large flock of Fieldfare. Unfortunately they didn't stay very long. Despite the mist, it felt a little bit Spring-like as there was lots of birdsong - I'm pretty sure I heard Skylarks - and there seemed to be a lot of pairing up going on. I also heard then saw squirrels making a noise up in the trees, and spotted a drey, then soon after, found a newly dug (and used) badger latrine. I did get a photo of that, but decided that even though Talpa seems to have broken that particular blip taboo, I would go with the Green Woodpecker as it fitted with my theme from yesterday of birds using man-made objects as perches. Even it is very dull and very distant, the silhouette is still unmistakeable. 
I planted some snowdrops and narcissi in the garden, then wrote my blog entry - I have kindly been allowed to contribute to a blog for a local area which was set up by some local birders and wildlife enthusiasts

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