End of all That

A cycle down to the boat - warm sunshine! Yes, really. So I swabbed out the damp recesses and opened it all up. Most satisfying. Then back up the hill past the hordes tramping to Murrayfield, to visit the maw who is in a very low and unhappy place. For once, it really got to me. By this stage, you've usually learned to accept it all with a resignation, with the realisation that this is how it goes. Hey ho, is all you can say if you don't want to get yourself bruised to no end.
So we watched the rugby - which seemed an entertaining enough game - plenty movement which is not something you can always say. We can't be that far off getting it together. Can we?
Then, down to pick up the lovely daughter. Shirts are all lined up, trousers looked out. The shoes must be where I left them last May. Now all I need to do is refrain from too many more glasses of wine. And update the Blip profile.

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