Well done, Babygirl

5years 117days 

Katie woke up in the night a lot, whimpering in her sleep in between. She said when she woke this morning that her mouth hurt. I had a look. Her throat is swollen and blistered. Delightful tonsillitis had struck. She was so keen to do today's competition that I played down how horrid it looked. She was well within herself, bright and cheerful about the day ahead. 

She went to her dear friend's Minnie Mouse party at her ballet school. She had fun on the bouncy castle a couple of times, enjoyed pass the parcel. She was willing to have a photograph with the Minnie Mouse "Character" but only when it was the full group photo - she wouldn't go on her own. She was a bit clingy but enjoyed herself, and enjoyed twirling and bouncing in her new Minnie dress up skirt I made her. 

She was excited and keen to go to the festival after the party, so I topped up the calpol and packed her up. I did her make up, we hung out with the big girls (who were on a high from this morning's senior Modern section, where one of our stunning girls beat several girls from Dance Mums!) and she was really thrilled to see her Grandad and Granny & a bunch of dancing friends who'd come just to watch her. She went off with one of our lovely seniors to get into costume and wait backstage.

This is her first time dancing in this age group. She was significantly smallest, and clearly in the younger group. She did well to say she's both poorly and so much younger. I knew watching the others and then her that she wouldn't place, but do you know what? I couldn't be more proud of her. She went on stage with a throat that in all honesty justifies sofa time and ice cream, she has a bruised tooth from her fall that she's self conscious of. But she was gorgeous. She was the only child who curtsied after her dance. It was her first time not placing in a competition and she handled it with grace. She stood and clapped every girl who did place. She came off  stage beaming and she said she's excited to do it again & that it was fun. 

We had Granny & Grandad home for tea and she began to flag a bit. She'll likely be at the GP in the morning. She's had a wonderful day though, I learnt a lot about the stuff she's made of today. 

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