The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Pink Gloves

It was an emotional start to the day. Mummy got me dressed and waved me and daddy off at the door. I was on my way to the childminder for the whole day. What was mummy going to do on her first full day to herself in months? She flew straight back into bed to think about it.

I arrived armed with my lunch and a strict set of instructions to erase from my memory anything daddy has ever taught me. All was going well until I grabbed Bramble the dog by the whiskers and tried to get my hands on her bone. In the afternoon we visited the park and I had a go on the swings. I donned a pair of large pink gloves to keep my hands warm. Eli Gray: setting trends since 2015.

Our first day apart and guess what? Neither of us spontaneously combusted. Mummy survived and so did I. We're not too sure about the dog though...

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