
By PJG844

Funny How Time Slips Away

So, yes, I have been … absent for a few weeks because of …. stuff. I haven't been on Blip or many other things during that time although I have been reading my e-mail and news.

Stuff is one of my favourite over-used words as it covers a multitude of bases. “What're you doing?”. “Stuff”. “What are you hiding?”. “Stuff”. “What's wrong with you?”. “Stuff”. It says everything and nothing so I'm going to stick with that as my reason.

And now I'm going to catch up with lots and lots of blippers pics that I've missed over the last few weeks. I think they'll understand if I don't comment as there's lots and lots of them that I follow.

I had actually promised a fellow blipper that I would resume a daily pic (as I should, it's a very good discipline. I think) and, after other stuff delayed me, I present to you something that I've seen and passed frequently and also, believe it or not, seen postcards of. This is a building (house?) with a phonebox alongside the front door. When I were lad we would have sacrificed a chicken to have something like that outside the front door, instead of having to walk 5 miles in the wind and snow to use one, only to have to wait outside whilst 3M's older sister was inside spending ¾ hour saying “You hang up. No, you hang up. <giggle> . No, you first. Bye. Bye-bye. Bye. Miss you.......... You didn't hang up. You hang up”. Etc, etc ad nauseum. In the pictures I have seen the roof was still complete so, while it's still standing, I thought I'd take my own capture of the moment.

Nice day today. Met office lied again. Said it would be windy and rainy from 09:00 to late tonight. Well, they were wrong. Blue sky and breezy. Not my kind of weather at all.

And I would have uploaded this a lot earlier but thanks to the "resolved" lat_invalid error I have been having 'fun'. Not a lot.

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