The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

78 Days Later

It may sound like the title of a book or a film but no, the title of this blip refers to the fact that for the first time since 31st November 2014, I have had a shave.  

Throughout December I grew a beard to raise money for the charity Beating Bowel Cancer (raising £868 plus £174.50 Gift Aid) and, having gone to the effort of doing so, I decided to keep it for a while to see if I like the bearded look.  As it happens, I have had many people saying that it suited me and, although I thought I looked like my dad, I was fine with the look.  The problem was that it was uncomfortable and the hairs kept curling at my lips and irritating me, not to mention getting messy when I ate soup or similar.  I was even getting used to the multi-coloured look of white, grey, black, brown and ginger hairs making it look like an odd combo.

The final straw though has been the fact that for the first time since my late teens/early twenties, any dark clothes that I wore were getting covered in dandruff.  Can you believe it, I had dandruff in my beard and, when I looked into a remedy, it looked as though the effort of caring for my whiskers would far outweigh the inconvenience of a daily shave.  Consequently, I decided that I needed to have loved the bearded look rather than just not mind it and tonight I returned it to its normal state.

Although I have only had the beard for such a short period of time, I now feel as if something is missing. Argh!!

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