Amazing lace

This morning was spent in front of the computer and the afternoon in the darkroom,  so I was glad that my day was bookended by a cycle ride.
Yesterday I had coated some slates with gesso and today I took them into the darkroom to paint them  with liquid emulsion. I put them in a light proof bag in a cupboard to let them dry properly and will try putting photos onto them on Friday. I had one spare slate and decided to do an experiment on it.. two coats of emulsion, dried with a cool hairdryer and then I put some lace across it and exposed it to light under the enlarger. I didn't  expect a good result,  so was amazed to see the lace pattern coming out really well in the developer. I had to be really careful not to wash it all off and then to dry it carefully. We  took a photo of it in case the image doesn't last.
This has really given me hope that my slate project will work after all :-)

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