Half term fun!

After a not such fun half term trip to the Dentist we headed to the skatepark. It was a very chilly night so there was plenty of ice still about so not the best scooting conditions! Leo took a few splats and created yet another hole in the knee of his trousers - which were sodden by the time he had finished! We headed home to get warmed up and he recovered with a more sedentary play of Minecraft on the sofa!

We gave the electric scooter another whirl around the block so he could drop of his kid's newspaper for a friend's grandson to read. He really seems to be enjoying getting his own newspaper each week and it is great seeing him reading it.

Had a good bell ringing session - apart from the bit when the rope caught my top and I exposed rather more than I intended! That is another top to pop on the 'don't wear Bellringing' pile! As only six of us were there I had lots of practice at raising and lowering the bells - I have my raising and lowering course next month so need all the practice I can get!

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