Furry Light

We killed 30 minutes in Tesco's cafe this morning waiting for Sports Direct to open so we could get some new footie kit for the ever sprouting Leo. His last set had reached comedy proportions on him thanks to his latest growth spurt.

Whilst in the cafe we spotted this 'hairy' light. Only this strip was like it - none of the others were all frondy! Not really sure what function this has? Customer Services guessed at dust catching when Leo asked what was going on. Any better ideas?

After that shopping trip we spent the rest of the day at home. We popped out quickly so Leo could do a quick scoot around the block and had the worst timing ever as we got hit by a hailstorm which gave us such a soaking we all had to get changed the minute we got home. We were only out for 5 minutes max - but that was the wettest 5 minutes of the day!

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