CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Home Delivery

A dull, overcast day.

Spending the day at home because Eleanor is preparing for one of her tests tomorrow and has to take sachets - but you don't really want to know about the effects. I may not have mentioned, but I am not able to drive for a month after my pacemaker procedure, so I am not really able to get out and about.

However, an opportune blip came my way when the Tesco Delivery van brought our latest order. We have only recently started using this service and it seems to have real benefits. It is so easy to use, with an app downloaded to Eleanor's phone. We have also managed to get a special offer on delivery charges which gives us free delivery for £15 per year.

I have also been preparing for preaching at our church on Sunday, when Eleanor will be leading the service. It is so good to be able to work together in this way.

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