The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Dangling Tree Frog

'Eli, no!'
It started at 3am when I awoke for the day. Eli, no it's not time to get up yet. Eli, no don't touch the radiator. Eli, no don't eat that. Eli, no put that down. Eli, no. Eli, no. Eli, no.

By 11am mummy was tired of the word no and I was sick of the sound of my own name. We escaped to bookbug for some sanity restoration. Afterwards we visited soft play and I climbed up the 2 stairs to the slide and went down on my belly all by myself. Uncle Thomas came to visit in the afternoon. He did his usual check of my hair to see if it's red just like his. The results are still inconclusive.

Over the past few weeks my jumperoo has redundantly made it's way into the hall. The dangling tree frog and parrot fish give me sad eyes when I crawl past. I said look guys it's not you it's me. I've moved on. Me and the bouncing zebra are happy together. Once mummy stops being ridiculously emotional she will move you up granny's loft. It'll be fun up there, I promise...

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