Take it or leave it

In-flight food.  - I took it.  Turkish airlines - actually excellent service.
This photo - the only one I took today,  it is what it is. My post-taking it inflight meal carnage. 

So, today was everything I was expecting with the added bonus of driving to the airport through a snow blizzard.  Left home 10am. Took off about 45 minutes late around 14.30pm. Landed at Toronto at daft o'clock and finally got through security around 2.30 am Istanbul time.  Uncomfortable two hour wait and two hour flight to Atlanta.  Landed in my hotel room bed at 00.45 local time which I think is around the time I should have been getting up back in Istanbul. Oh the joys.  Nevertheless, I am in Atlanta and when I wake up I am going to be excited. 

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