Life on the edge...

By bru22

In my hand...

In my hand I hold small particles of what once was my long brunette hair...

In my hand I hold an extremely irritating twitch to itch and pull out small particles of what once was my long brunette hair...

In my hand... I hold... A glass of champagne...
purely to stop me pulling out what once was my long brunette hair

My hair is feeling the effects of too much peroxide blonde... And shortly I will put this wrath of pain onto someone else's head as she has decided she would like to dye her hair peroxide blonde for summer... NOTHING I swear on my life to do with me!!! Her idea completely... if not ever so slightly influenced, along with the small child pointing at me and the cashier serving us in TESCO... By what once was my long brunette hair...

So... When we were into TESCO's earlier... We were deciding our drink for the evening... And she nearly didn't pick up a bottle of this... YUM. For the sake of money..

"it's not about the price tag"
Jessie J

So silly me I said I'd pay for it because I am a crazy mo-fo and am very much about living in the moment no matter how red my bank account is.... You only live once, right?!

So tonight I thought I would think up a list, for a special friend of mine, who is obsessed with lists...

10 things I hold in my hand regardless of the price tag...

1. Champagne... Need I say anymore..
2. My D and G watch. When I had an argument with my ex girlfriend, she left me at Heathrow airport in tears to board a flight back home, I was in a foul mood, so took a trip, hand in hand with my credit card to Harrods... I still haven't paid off this watch...
3. My obsession with Calvin Klein socks... No offence to aforementioned friend, but these socks I am borrowing are just NOT the same... I only own Calvin socks and I LOVE them.
4. Gambling... My friend Kimbo works in Willy hills and I have started to just "pop in" and see her... Ending up in spending money I don't have on horses I'm terrified of running round a fake track in a fake race...
5. Cocktails and expensive meals with Susan Crew. See the "living in the moment" blip from Monday.
6. Hair dye... I religiously go to the hairdresser every 4 weeks although my next appointment is in 3 weeks why?! because I love having my hair done... It is forever changing... From the unexpected to the ...crazy... I get to see Kassy, I get the low down on village life from where I grew up and I get to reminisce... We lost Kassy's brother who I grew up through primary and secondary school with, last year... I miss him loads... Keith, he was a gem. One of the hardest moments ever seeing a coffin of a 22 year old with "dada" flowers up the side....

Taken too young. Mental illness is a killer.

Too many kids taken in a short few months that was summer 2010.

7. Belt buckles... I have a proper belt, which holds various belt buckles... I have one of a naked lady I normally have on if I have that belt on out to the gay bar!!! Just because I can... I have one with the theatrical comedy and tragedy masks and a Paul Frank Monkey face... The collection goes on and on...
8. Buying presents for others... Last christmas I was SKINT but everyone in my family and close friends circle still got what I wanted to gift to them.. No matter how much debt it put me in... Including the poker table I bought for my brother! :-)
9. Petrol... My petrol bill tonight was £54.68... What for? Seeing a beautiful friend who I'd rather see than sit in the four walls of my own cottage probably having a text conversation with... And dye her hair :-D Paid my 100 mile round trip to the hairdressers... And a stop in past my mammy...
10. Apple products... My iPod, although that was a valentines present My iPad and... my iPhone... In my hand...

"Why do I drink champagne for breakfast? Doesn't everyone?! Noel Coward

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