
By maddischeib

I have a strange opinion about makeup. In my opinion, makeup is a great thing if it’s used properly. Makeup can be used to express yourself, make you feel more confident, or even bring out certain features that you feel should have more attention. Most people I know don’t really appreciate makeup and the things it can do. The majority of the people I know will make fun of girls for wearing “too much makeup”. I don’t think there is a limit as to how much makeup is ok to put on. It all depends how you apply it. If you don’t put your foundation/concealer on the right way it can start to look cake-y. I think that is when people begin to say that someone is wearing too much makeup. That isn’t always the case though. Depending on what your skin is like and what product you use, you can accidentally give yourself a cake-y look.

It really annoys me when people tear girls, or even boys, for wearing “too much makeup”. If someone thinks they need to wear makeup to feel better about themselves, it shouldn’t be anyone’s business but theirs.

Makeup can transform someone and make them look like a completely different person. I think that is why most people have a problem with the use of makeup because they may think that it’s “false advertising”. I honestly get very intrigued by how drastic the changes can be when you compare before and after pictures.

I personally don’t wear much makeup because I think I look weird with anything more than a neutral eye shadow and/or mascara.

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