
By maddischeib

Most weekends I have to babysit my little brother and sister. They usually just stay in their rooms, so I just watch Netflix. This past weekend I had to babysit again like usual. I decided to watch The Interview. It’s a movie about two guys who go to North Korea to interview Kim Jong Un. The FBI asks them to assonate him after they do the interview, so the interview turns into a mission. They assonate him at the end of the movie and the two dorky guys become heroes. I guess the real Kim Jong Un didn’t like the idea of the U.S. playing a movie about his assentation because he had it banned in all theatres. Im not 100% sure but I think it was released earlier than it was supposed to be as well.  That worked out fine with everyone because it was uploaded to various movie streaming websites like Netflix and YouTube. That means that everyone can watch it for free as many times as they want. I don’t think Kim thought about that before he threw a fit about it.

The first time I watched it, I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. But after watching it a second time and actually paying attention to it, it has become one of my favorite movies. It is dumb, but it’s dumb in a way that makes it funny (mostly because they are making fun of Kim Jong Un the majority of the time).

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