
By tpd


Half term continues: +1/3 wasn't awake by the time I went to work so I didn't see him all day!

Work (no cycling so gym instead) then off out to meet Jane, Gavin (above) and Geek near Covent Garden for a very brief hello and some chat about cameras and printing (I know so little...) before rushing off to meet TJ for some drinks, food and chat about houses, cars, why a haircut shouldn't cost you more than £10, baby accessories, work and music. Phew.

Music for today was a self-indulgent trip back to a very specific time: we'd just moved to Germany, the Guano Apes were on heavy rotation along with Fünf Sterne Deluxe and Herbert Grönemeyer (Das Boot anyone?) and I seem to remember listening to Nada Surf a lot. 

The Guano Apes and Herbert were both from Göttingen... which was where we had just moved to. And yes: the students were wandering around dressed in stupid nu-metal outfits. 

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