Beyond .....

..... Clueless.

I've had another day taking photos for the Ilkley Film Festival. In the morning I watched Jupiter Ascending, a bit of Sci-fi fluff. In the afternoon I took a few photos of the screening of the Turner film down at the playhouse ( literally getting to see behind the scenes of the theatre ).

It was then back to the Kings Hall where I spent a couple of hours pottering around taking photos of the band Summer Camp who were playing a live score to the film Beyond Clueless, a film about American teen movies.

I took quite a few photos of the performance, but this one of Elizabeth from the band finding a ( not so ) quiet corner to check her phone during the sound check sums up how mundane most of the day is for touring bands.

There are two more days of film festival photography to go and I must apologise for my lack of comments on blip at the moment as I've not had any time to get online ( apart from 10 mins to blip ). So today's blip is .....

..... Beyond Clueless.

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