Things that go bump in the night...

I went to bed around 11:30 and was tossing and turning for what seemed like an eternity.  I was just starting to doze off and I heard a loud thud sound followed immediately by crying. 
I shook my husband to wake him and I told him I think someone fell out of bed.  I could tell if it was my grandson, Nicky or my granddaughter, Nadia. 
By the time we made it downstairs we realized it was Nicky who was crying and his dad was with him trying to comfort him.  Nicky kept saying his wrist hurt.  He had no idea how he got on the floor of his room and didn't remember hitting his arm.  We put ice on his wrist and gave him some Motrin for his pain.  He wanted to sleep in his dad's room after that so we figured we would see how his arm looked in the morning. 

Well he was still in pain in the morning so my son took him to the pediatrician who sent him to the radiologist who sent him back to the pediatrician who sent him to a children's orthopedic doctor.  When all was said and done he had a break right above his wrist and needed a cast. 
It was a very long day for him and he did really well considering.  The doctor let him choose what color cast he got and he picked blue.  He slept really well after that and has been very careful with his arm. 

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