
By Kaysha

The Old Dears

It seemed as though, as soon as I got the deckchairs out, A&D slipped into the 'old marred couple' routine. They immediately clambered onto the chairs, where they had a little picnic situated and shared oaty bars, cheese biscuits and water, Miss A taking control of the situation and handing out the rations to Mr D. All they needed was a tartan rug over their legs and the picture would've been complete.

It was a scorcher today and the sun clearly impacted on Miss A's ability to behave (we'll put it down to that anyway...). As I was inside preparing the dinner, Miss A took it upon herself to 'protect' the deckchairs and grass, completely emptying a whole bottle of suncream on them. She was told, in no uncertain terms, this meant she wouldn't get an ice lolly after dinner for her naughty behaviour. She said 'fine, they're too cold anyway'. Not the desired effect I was looking for.

Post-dinner, Miss A started showering me, daddy and D in kisses. She then sidled upto me and asked 'Are you not annoyed with me now?' I said no and she said 'Can I get an ice lolly then?' Kids, gotta love them!

And yes, I did give her the ice lolly - just for cunning alone.

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