Another lovely day

- Beautiful day, beautiful scenery and tiny little 6" Christmas trees everywhere!
- Scrambling bikes, Shetland ponies and dogs with the wrong head on (brown body, black n white head - weird...but cute)
- Fabulous kitchen tiling by hubby - he's so clever :-)
- Visit to library. Three new books, don't know which one to start first. Love that feeling.
- Lidls for piri-piri spatchcock chicken. Also bought ribs. Not good. Bleurgh :-(
- Music shop in Milngavie. Followed by trip to Oxfam where I bought a plastic box of Lego for the boys.
- Home. Presented Lego. I am officially a Super-Mummy. I've only gone and bought a box full of original 1970s Lego, full of prototype figures and...stuff that is apparently awesome.
- Fab dinner and now we're watching The Incredibles. Great film :-)

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