Consider the Lilies

By skambalu

#Lent with @CAFOD: Speaking out about injustice

“Shout for all you are worth, raise your voice like a trumpet.”  (Isaiah 58:1-9)

Today's reflection points out that today (20 February) is the World Day for Social Justice.

My photo today attempts to illustrate this in two ways: the main way, and the reason I took the photo, is related to climate justice. One of the things I am trying to Cut out this Lent (see for more information about CAFOD's Cut it out Lent appeal) is charging my mobile overnight. As you can see in the photo, it was 100% full when I took this photo. So I unplugged it. I'm trying to charge in the evenings, keeping an eye on it instead. One website I looked at suggested that even having the charger plugged in, unattached to the phone, still uses 1 watt of electricity.

Power and transport are currently responsible for over 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions: so this Lent I'm trying to do my small bit by trying to use less energy. This is hard, as it's so easy to fall into bad energy habits and hard to make new good habits! But when I think about the effects of our changing climate on our neighbours around the world, then I remember I have a responsibility to do my bit.

And the second way that the photo illustrates speaking up for social justice? The phone, of course. I can tell people more about the effects of our changing climate in so many ways these days: actually speaking to people on the phone, sharing stories on Facebook, sharing links on Twitter.

How are you speaking out about injustice this Lent? (And what are you cutting out to lessen carbon emissions?)  

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