my little eye

By clarebeme


Normal service has resumed. Back into the fray running hither and thither. Elsa's brace dentist - an orthodontist I believe - is in St Johns Wood. It's a long way to go but there are a handful of posh charity shops to keep me amused. In one of them I heard a woman who'd brought in a bag of stuff. "There are two coats in there" she said "that I've never worn. I don't know why, I just haven't worn them. They were over a £1000 each" she said



I was in the changing room and I couldn't hoik my jeans up fast enough to see her or her coats before she left and they were whisked out the back. When I'd changed I did ask (sheepishly) if they'd be out later. 15 mins they said, but I couldn't go back.

I wouldn't have bought one anyway - they had hideous Dior trainers in there (bright yellow mesh over-shoe / boat type things with flowers on) for £300 so these coats would've been very expensive or hideous or both. I prefer to assume both...

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