Playtime in the park

For those of you who read our Blips regularly, you will know that my very lovely owner, Ann, is the office administrator/PA for STAR.  Sometimes if Ann has a lot of work to do, I go with her so that I don’t have to stay ‘home alone’ for hours on end.  When I’m at work with Ann, I always get a run about in the horse field.

But do you know what?.................................  The 'STAR empire' has just acquired another unit and so Ann is moving offices.  Ann is going to be working in a big, stylish, modern office within the unit.  Rather like Carla Connors office in the knicker factory on Corrie???

The down side to this, is that if I go to work with Ann I won’t get my run about in the horse field.

The up side is……………………….  The new unit is opposite the park.  Yay!

So today, off we went to the park so that Ann could show me where I will be playing when I go to work with her.  I love the park.  Normally, I meet lots of other dogs here but it’s been pouring with rain all day so there were no other doggies for me to play with today because nobody else seems to walk their dogs in the rain??!!

And do you know what?..........................  Ann is going to buy me a brand new ‘thrower & ball’ to keep in the office so that when I go to work with her I’ll always have a ball handy for when I go out for my play.  Yay!!!

PS –  I won’t be going to the new office for a while because there is a lot of unpacking, reorganising, decorating, cleaning, etc, etc, to do and apparently I’d just get in the way and be a nuisance. 


ME? A nuisance?  Can you believe that Blippers???

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