Sewing Bug

Last night I stumbled across The Great British Sewing Bee which I've never seen before. The contestants had just rushed across the room to grab curtains and transform them into items of clothing. Miss E and I watched in awe as they snipped and sewed and produced their masterpieces.
Miss E was spellbound! Full of opinions and ideas she commented on everything and chatted about all the contestants just like Mr K and I would while we watch the cooking or dancing or singing (reality TV fans, us?!!!!)
When the episode finished Miss E immediately asked could we watch another one. Ah, the iPlayer generation!! We did and she was rapt again.
She can spot a wonky hem a mile off!!
This morning we watched another episode and she asked if she could try her hand at transforming something.
Now Miss E isn't blessed with a mummy who's handy with a needle but I thought we'd give it a go. Feeling inspired!!
I got a few old t-shirts which have so far avoided the eBay/car boot/charity shop culls and we cut a flower off one of the tops and Miss E sewed it on to another one. She had a few setbacks - sewing both sides of the t-shirt together quite a few times but she persevered and sewed it on beautifully.
She announced that she was very proud of herself.
She's almost sewn on a heart and has plans for a pocket in contrasting fabric.
Hopefully it'll be the start of a love for her!

Miss E just came in as I was typing this. She does like to sneak back in for a cuddle when she should be asleep! She took over the typing and wrote this after "we cut a flower off..."

Miss E took a few minutes to sew it on. Afterwards we cut out a hart and  Miss E sewed that on twice as easy!!

Sewing and Blipping - clever sausage!!!

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