
By dailyphoto365

365 days x 5

Five years ago, I fulfilled the typical kiwi dream and brought my first ever home.

It has been an interesting five years.

There have been plenty of laughs, celebrations, wine drank, friends call in, stay, drama's, tears and plenty more of them to come.

At times I wasn't sure Id cope, but I have coped and appreciated every helping hand Ive received.

The first afternoon here and the box of beer went into the neighbours fridge as we unpacked and waited fro the new fridge to arrive.

The first phone call from my friend Emma in Wellington.

The first night's meal of pizza, for Ma and Pa, Jenny and Mark, who had been my trusty movers and unpackers and pre house inspector. And the icecream I spilt on the carpet, first night here. We'll I owned the carpet now and it is brown.

Heres to lots more memories.

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