Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Dad day

With Grandma flying into LAX today, I took the opportunity to take the wee man up to Los Angeles to meet some of my old friends.

We timed things such that he fell asleep for a good hour of the two hour journey, waking up just as we arrived.  We then spent the afternoon in the Golden Road Brewery, catching up with friends while the kids played in the glorious outdoor weather inside, avoiding the rain.

The wee man was pretty tired and axious by the time we picked Grandma up but thankfully fell asleep on the way back.  Fortunately I'd changed him into his PJs, making a nifty car seat to cot transfer more practical when we arrived.

With Grandma staying for two and a half weeks, I'm sure they'll be plenty of photo opportunities in the near future.

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