Capital adventures

By marchmont

View from a roof.

Glasgow this morning along with B for a meeting with a sister organisation, then lunch with J, one of my longest standing friends. Haven't seen her for ages so good to catch up. 2 ladies lunching at the Willow Tearooms.

Then an unexpected text, an invitation to meet up with justAllan and Susan. We had a great evening. Good craic, Prosecco, meal at The Filmhouse and then 'Wild'. I really needed that fillip and it was great so see them both looking so well. Film was good too! And a Simon and Garfunkel soundtrack, bonus.

They're are staying in the old CEC Education offices, now serviced apartments. I was interviewed there for a job I did not get. The view from the roof terrace is stunning, but I did almost get blown away. Thanks Allan, a true friend.

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