The Local Basilica

It was a fairly fair-weather day with clouds passing by, window-shopping, wondering where to gather for a shower.  I didn't go anywhere, though, reminding myself that I shouldn't go anywhere 'just to take a shot' if I don't really feel like it.  Instead, I went back to bed in the afternoon and was totally knocked out for about 3 hours.  I had already spent the better part of the morning restructuring the text for the next family tree edition so the break was most welcome.  There is no real deadline for the project but I do want to get it done before any more body parts wear out.

This was shot after I had walked with hubby to his bridge club evening.  I do that quite often on Tuesdays, anyway, so it was a simple matter of putting on a thicker coat and taking the cam along.  They played in the basement of this basilica tonight because the small hotel they normally patronize was closed and will be closed for the rest of this week, as it usually is every year after 'Carnaval' is celebrated.

Glad you enjoyed yesterday's weather with me!

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