A lovely day

Tuesday 24th February 2015 (913)

Not a great picture but a good day. I was too busy talking to take anything better!
Day two of holiday. 
Got up early and whizzed round the house tidying up - complete. 
Did an hours work, only three items left on the TO DO list.

Went out for a 5 mile walk with a friend. It was a lovely walk and, after the forecast, it was a bonus to stay dry. I really miss the regular walks so this was great. Finished it off with a nice lunch out. Great company and a good chat. 

Rest of the afternoon and evening spent finishing the three work items - complete! 

I am now properly on holiday (except an early morning service tomorrow!). Just have to do the ironing so that I can pack first (2nd) thing in the morning. I'm picking Mum up from the coach station so I can't be late!

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