The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Using Our Two New Ultra Sonic Cleaners....

BMJnr has ran out of 7.62mm ammo and he has some shoots coming up (me too hopefully), so he has to re-load some empty cases ready for the shoot.
We bought these two cleaners from Aldi a few weeks ago and now we ge to use them in earnest.
The first cleaner was filled with Citric acid and the second with baking soda just to counter act the acid, a quick bath in water then 2 minutes in the oven at 100C to dry them off, then they are ready to be loaded with powder, primer and bullet head all ready for the shoot.

Today, Stuart and I laid seven 3'x2' slabs and as I have trouble picking them up so Stuarts back is in half so we have to lay the rest (8) tomorrow morning.
The new tenants move in on Friday at 4:30pm so we have to get the Patio finished and some concreting too by Thursday.

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