
By EmilyHeather


Today required a very early start - up at 4 am and on the coach by 5! We all slept most of the way up to Mount Washington and woke up sometime after 8 as we began to climb through the fog. When the bus pulled up we all scrambled off and went to get our skis! The group split up - half went and had their first ski lesson while three of us went a jumped on the chair lifts. Unfortunately because it's been a warm and dry winter the snow was not great - very icy at the top of the mountain in the morning, however Morgan, Marijke and I managed to find some nicer snow a bit lower down! I fell over before lunch but otherwise a great morning, we found the others finishing their lesson and all went in to get lunch together. The snow went kinda slushy this afternoon which was a shame and it was funny trying to teach the others to ski. Again everyone fell asleep on the way home and we almost got left in the Nanaimo McDonalds (which had a fireplace!). Once home, I showered, I did some revision with a big cup of tea and went to bed very early

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