
My new SPDs arrived in the post yesterday but, instead of dashing out on my bike in the beautiful sunlight and calm weather, I spent a leisurely morning walking slowly up on to the edge of the moors and sitting in the sunlight with the dog.  I am fighting off the cold, I’m sure, but I’m seriously lacking in energy.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I wasn’t going to head up there but, after traversing the fields, I couldn’t resist an upward slant for a bit of a view and some springlike warmth.  Little Dog even chose the longer way home.

I made the emergency purchase this week after not being able to get my foot to slot back in at a set of traffic lights on a hill.  Once I’d forced it back in, in my usual way, I then envisaged my foot popping out and me disappearing over the  handlebars if I stood up.  So I stayed sitting down.

They are most certainly trashed and I had been wondering when they needed replacing.   A quick YouTube search tells me, a while ago!  

Wondering whether the adjustments available made much difference, I read that rumours suggest the knee injury that prevented Bradley Wiggins from cycling this year’s Tour de France may have been caused by an incorrectly aligned cleat.  

Now, we wouldn't want that, would we?

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