Mystery of dad dancing revealed

Yes, using the latest slow motion photography techniques, scientists have discovered the physiological explanation for the phenomenon known as 'dad dancing', a condition particularly predominant in white Anglo Saxon males. 

Their research has shown that in males from other ethnic groups the arms and legs are able to move independently of each other and therefore keep the body in time with the music in a fluid and lithe manner. In white Anglo Saxon males however, their research revealed that the arms and legs are operated together, as a pair. This results in a jerky motion that at best, is simply awkward and nonrhythmic, but at its worst, closely resembles someone having an epileptic fit.

Although this explained why dad dancing occurs, scientists were still baffled as to why sufferers appear to be unaware of their condition and continue to get up on the dance floor despite overwhelming evidence that they really shouldn't; not if they have any sense of pride. Alcohol was found to be contributing factor in most cases, but there also seems to be a neurological blocker at play here. When asked what it was,  their spokesman Dr. Strangelove  stated ' the simple fact is this', ' THEY THINK THEY CAN DANCE!'.

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