Coffee, an Aylesbury Font & a Derelict Pub

Met Julie, an ex colleague & fellow blipper Beeonhive today for a coffee and a catch up.  We met at Askett Nursery near Great Kimble. It was good to see her looking so well despite everything that she has been through in the past 12months. After a good cup of coffee & a good chinwag she took me to St Nicholas's Church at Great Kimble where she is Tower Captain.
Had a good look around the church which contains a very large "Aylesbury Font" so called because of the font at St Mary's Aylesbury. They are quite a rare item and most are located around central Buckinghamshire as well as further afield - see link below:

It is a lovely intricate piece off stonework which dates from the late 12th Century. Julie said that in times gone by, the Lord of the Manor had ordered it destroyed but parishioners removed it from the church & "threw" it into a local pond.

Many years later it was retrieved & restored to its rightful place though it did suffer somewhat and has a nasty crack in it.

The rest of the church is lovely and has some lovely features but like so many buildings of this era it does require some major renovation work which is on the cards and will be done soon.

From here we had a quick look around the outside of the Bernard Arms PH which is boarded up and awaiting demolition in order that houses can be built here. It is a great shame as the building in its heyday was a lovely place to get a beer & some food and was another watering hole of past Prime Ministers who were staying at Chequers which is located a small distance away.

Following a few shots (by me) we said our goodbyes & returned home. Following a bit of research I found that the Bernard Arms was previously known as The Bear & Cross PH.

Just about to have lunch & then there is a little more painting to do.

Bright sunny day after a frosty start.


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