5 Pairs of Hands

Waiting for a tailor to finish shortening a dress I strolled around the back streets looking for a blip and was invited into "a Gods' Home" by a rather flashy young man.  4 others were carving or polishing marble gods and goddesses (not a mask in sight against the marble dust) and he proudly showed me around the building full of completed and partially completed carvings of all sorts - eagles, snakes, lizards and of course lots of different gods from the Hindu pantheon.  Then he showed me this cow and goddess that he was extracting from a huge lump of white marble - currently drilling out the folds of cloth in the bodice.  You can imagine the devastation should he chip one of those fingers off - that means the carving has to be dumped - he says it takes about 4-6 weeks to carve this complete statue but then the man who polishes it will take another fortnight or so.

Having seen how everyone is so addicted to their mobiles I was amused to find a mall that was totally dedicated to selling them - what competition there was.  I counted over 25 shops on the 3 floors and there were side corridors as well that I didn't go down.

Have had the three long sessions with the dentist - much more painful than I thought it would be.  He isn't pleased with one set of porcelain caps so I have to go back for another session next week.  It is lucky I set enough time aside.  Only 8 days left before I fly home.

Bless for all the stars, comments and hearts - it has been fun to try and find different things to blip

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