
I went into town today and walked via the Brayford where I saw this swan on the boat-ramp, having a preen of its feathers.

I walked through to the out-of-town shops - Staples, to look for a cash tin for Jae who reckons we are giving him pocket money only to nick it back off him! (He's just not keeping track of his spending, and thinks he should have more than he does.) I didn't get a tin as Amazon's are cheaper!

I had a look in Home Bargains, where I bought a few bargains, lol, and then to Morrison's - salad for tea!

Then lunch in Starbucks and a browse of the cat aisles of Pets at Home and the camera section of PC World! Didn't buy anything due to having an odd cat who would want nothing to do with most of the lovely toys in the pet shop, and insufficient funds for a camera! I looked at cute pet rats in the pet shop too, but I didn't get one of them either! Another thing to stop Minstrel from trying to eat, plus Brian would be terrified of it! Still it's nice to browse!

Home to watch some fantastic Rugby League, and there is cider in the fridge for later!

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