Look what we brought back with us...

Following our outward bound adventures regular readers will no doubt be unsurprised to hear we were sat in Geneva Airport with a solid two hour safety margin, nice coffee - but we brought our own cakes!
When we left St Gervais the street lights were still on - but it had been snowing heavily for an hour - we were very glad to be able to follow a plough down the hill to Le Fayet and the relative safety of the Autoroute Blanche.

Arriving just before lunch into the UK and for once all the passport desks were manned - and with no luggage to collect we were soon in the car, so what better way to finish a holiday? A detour into Media City and a lazy lunch in Wagamama's, yum yum yum.
As we headed North first the car's ice alarm went off, then a few flakes & by the time we entered Cumbria - this (taken from the car park at the MiL's care home) - some of the biggest flakes I've seen in this country - within a hour there was 2" of snow - its mostly stopped as we've gotten to Orton - but fingers crossed...

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