
By MrsRobert10

Dydd Gwŷl Dewi Sant hapus

Happy Saint David's Day. The big daffodils in the garden probably won't be in flower for another couple of weeks, but one tiny little Tête à Tête has saved the day. Grown in a pot indoors goodness knows how many years ago, I found the pot hiding in the herb garden covered in snails last week and moved it somewhere a little sunnier. Result.
According to legend the use of the leek as the national emblem of Wales originated with Saint David who ordered Welsh soldiers to wear leeks in their helmets on a battle which took place in a field full of leeks against the Saxons so that they could readily identify their own. The daffodil is often substituted for a leek, perhaps because their Welsh names are very similar. Leek = cenhinen, daffodil =cenhinen bedr.

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