
By Madchickenwoman

On the move.... to fitness!

Thought I would try chantler63's MonoMonday challenge - so was on the lookout during Portly Lucy's walk this morning for "On the move". We made our way up through the woods where Lucy was in danger of getting stuck in the mud bath that the path had become in places. The daffodil path was disappointingly sparse - either they have been pinched to be sold by the roadside, or the mild winter has failed to help them to produce flowers. Rather than risk Lucy in the mudbath again, we walked along the river and I took some photo's of the boats going nowhere at present and thought of going up the hill to the Moving Firm who have some big lorries in their yard along with a fine ruin of a chimney stack in which they store logs.Finally we came to Lucy's exercise steps - and inspiration hit! Here is a front view of Lucy
Rest of day spent doing my backblip of Day 2! washing and reading! Also booked tickets to a Masked Ball at Porthleven in May! Everyone else is camping, but the friend I have coming with me from London wants comfort - he's a  London Boy and doesn't do camping! May stay in a Hobbit Hut as it has a proper bed and a mattress, a light, socket for charging mobile phones, plus showers and fire pit!!  Plus I've already done camping, a Tipi and an Airstream at festivals so fancy something new! 

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