
So this is my skewer and ink drawing! Or do I mean painting? There was some discussion on the difference. I feel anything which uses a wet, liquid medium is painting! I was so inspired by last nights class that this afternoon when I went to meet Gilesey for Camera Club I bought some Drawing  Ink and another smaller sketchbook plus round palette tray for diluting the ink to apply shadows - Oo-er get me!!!I could almost convince myself I know what I am doing and that it is worth doing! I do wonder if certain subjects lend themselves to this technique and I struck lucky last night! Time will tell!
It was lovely to see Gilesey and have a quick bite to eat, and I got to buy her the pint I owed her! The theme for the competition tonight was "In The Garden" - a very mixed bag of entries and  many were quite underwhelming! It has tempted me to try entering the rapid Fire competition - 50 entries, chose your favourite 25, then 12, then 6, then 3! I think my chickens deserve at least an outing just to test the water so to speak! 

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