Adam's Images

By ajt

Oilseed Rape Fields

Went to and from work today on the bike. It's rained a bit of late and so today was the first opportunity to bike to work for a while. I knew there could be some good options on the way home so I carried my camera with me in an accessible pocket on the pannier. Friday is a slightly shorter day so I was cycling through the lanes of north Hampshire mid afternoon so the light was a bit flat and harsh, sorry the picture isn't my best.

I got a half decent view of an oilseed rape (Brassica napus), with more fields behind so I took four pictures and got Hugin to stitch them together for me. It's not bad for a cheap camera and a bit of free and open source software. After that I imported it into GIMP to balance the levels and save it down to the format loaded here. An even larger version is available on Picasaweb.

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