
By LauraH

Strumpfe Stricken

When I went on a German school exchange in 1980, my German exchange girl taught me how to knit socks. This post is for you Angi.

I made a few pairs then but had not knitted any as an adult until a couple of years ago when I had an urge to knit something small. I made one pair but had plenty of wool left to make another. In recent times with time on my hands I decided to start another pair.

What I notice about knitting socks is how relaxing it is - how much I enjoy the colours of the wool, the feeling of the wool in my hands, the repetitive movements of my fingers as I knit, and the sense of achievement as I see my socks slowly taking shape. All good for me right now!

Apart from a little knitting today, it has been a quiet day. We did start looking into online options for creating our wills. We should have done years ago, but will finally do now and then look at setting up enduring power of attorney.

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