Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

On the way to school.

Lovely Jeff came up trumps again this morning!

When he is working he texts me at 6.02am (2 minutes after my alarm goes off) to say 'Good Morning' and make sure I am awake.
He did this morning as he was coming round on his way home from work to fix my lawn mower (it needs a roller thingy which he has made for me from a wooden rolling pin - so clever!!!!)
At 6.02am I was awake.
At 7.10am my phone woke me up - Jeff was outside!
PANIC - RUNNING LATE - #3boy still asleep - PANIC!!!!!

All was well, got the wee one off to school and Jeff mended the mower and took me into work on the bike.

Leaving a bit later let me observe the morning match.

There are several schools close to my house and the playing field is opposite.
In the morning the lads from the high school fling their bags and blazers to the floor and play footie for an hour before school.

Knowing some of the lads from that school as I do a cage is the best place for them!!! ;-)

Only joking - NOT!

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