
By LauraH

Easterly cloud sweeps up harbour

One minute there was no cloud, then there was a blanket right up to Diamond Harbour and the next it was all gone again.

Didn't manage to get this photo up yesterday as was feeling too tired etc...I went for a treatment with Michelle which was very relaxing. Then I had district nurses here, one to refill my Niki pump (pump to administer medications over 24 hr period) and one from Nurse Maude to check in with me where I am after my holiday and changed situation regarding the cancer. This was a fairly intense discussion and I think I must have been pretty wiped out afterwards as all I did was sleep until our first community meal was delivered.

Jill dropped around with a delicious lentil bake topped with an egg/ricotta sauce and with a healthy salad along side. Easily enough for us for two nights. This has been organised by one of the members of the book group that I attended and will be a big support for us both. Thank you to all involved.

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